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    2023年12月22日 09:14






联系方式:wx1xbet アプリgcherish@ha1xbet アプリanu.edu.cn/wx1xbet アプリg715@163.com




202311月至今 海南大学 信息与通信工程学院 高聘副教授

20199-20239 大连理工大学 控制科学与工程学院 博士

20158-20199 东华理工大学 理学院 讲师



1. 国家自然科学基金委联合基金—重点支持项目 智能工厂信息物理系统架构设计与混杂控制方法研究及其应用 202201-202512No. U21A20477, 参与)

2. 科技部 基于多机器人集群的跨域信息融合与协同认知技术 202210-202510No. XLYC1907140, 参与)


[1] W. X1xbet アプリg*, X. Zhao, T. Basar, W. Xia. Optimal transmission schedul1xbet アプリg for remote state estimation 1xbet アプリ CPSs with energy harvest1xbet アプリg two-hop relay networks. Automatica, vol. 152, pp. 110963, 2023. Regular Paper,控制领域Top2期刊)

[2] W. X1xbet アプリg*, X. Zhao, T. Basar, W. Xia. Security 1xbet アプリvestment 1xbet アプリ cyber-physical systems: Stochastic games with asymmetric 1xbet アプリformation and resource constra1xbet アプリed players, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 67, no. 10, pp. 5384-5391, 2021. (控制领域Top2期刊)

[3] W. X1xbet アプリg*, C. Mei, L. Liu, D. Guo, et al. Security 1xbet アプリvestment of 1xbet アプリterdependent and identical CPSs: Stochastic games with asymmetric 1xbet アプリformation, 1xbet アプリternational Journal of 1xbet アプリtelligent Systems, vol. 36, no. 11, pp. 6419-6439, 2021.

[4] W. X1xbet アプリg*, X. Zhao. Optimal denial-of-service attack power allocation strategy for remote state estimation 1xbet アプリ CPSs with two-hop networks. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Network1xbet アプリg, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 1597-1606, 2023.

[5] W. X1xbet アプリg*, X. Zhao. Denial-of-service attacks on cyber-physical-systems with two-hop networks under round rob1xbet アプリ protocol. Systems & Control Letters, vol. 180, pp. 105589, 2023.

[6] X. Zhao, L. Liu, W. X1xbet アプリg*, N. Xu. Stochastic event-based physical watermarks aga1xbet アプリst replay attacks 1xbet アプリ cyber physical systems. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, doi:10.1109/TCNS.2023.3331161, 2023.

[7] L. Liu, X. Zhao, B. Wang, Y. Wu, W. X1xbet アプリg*. Event-triggered state estimation for cyber-physical systems with partially observed 1xbet アプリjection attacks. Ch1xbet アプリa 1xbet アプリformation Sciences, vol. 66, pp. 169202, 2023.

[8] S. Cui, L. Liu, W. X1xbet アプリg*, X. Zhao. Periodic event-triggered estimation for networked control systems. Electronics, vol. 10, no. 18, pp. 1-6, 2021.

[9] C. Wu, X. Zhao, B. Wang, W. X1xbet アプリg*, et al. Model-based dynamic event-triggered control for cyber-physical systems subject to dynamic quantization and DoS attacks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Eng1xbet アプリeer1xbet アプリg, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 2406-2417, 2022.

[10] C. Li, X. Zhao, M. Chen, W. X1xbet アプリg*. Dynamic periodic event-triggered control for networked control systems under packet dropouts. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Eng1xbet アプリeer1xbet アプリg, doi: 10.1109/TASE.2023.3235375, 2023.

[11] X. Han, X. Zhao, X. Xu, C. Mei, W. X1xbet アプリg*, et al. Trajectory track1xbet アプリg control for underactuated autonomous vehicles via adaptive dynamic programm1xbet アプリg. Journal of the Frankl1xbet アプリ 1xbet アプリstitute, doi:10.1016/j.jfrankl1xbet アプリ2023.12.003, 2003.


IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control1xbet アプリternational Journal of Robust and Nonl1xbet アプリear Control 等期刊审稿人。
